Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday Night Accessorize'z

The staple LBD is something every girl has, it’s usually the canvas for my ootn. I suggest dolling up your outfit for a night out with the girls or even a date would be to add accessorize to make the outfit seem less plain. Pictured above is a chunky necklace, hoop earrings and two rings. Anything that’s a little dramatic with the LBD will be a perfect match and it doesn’t have to be gold or silver but a pop of color would be perfect as well. Shoes are important too so when you go out make sure they are shoes you could dance the night away or at least bring a change of flats if it becomes unbearable. You never want to be the girl who is walking home barefoot lol…. We all know we were once that girl and dread the memory. Please leave a comment below if you have any questions or would like to see more Friday night outfit accessorize!!   

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Summer dayzz


This outfit is ideal for a relaxing hot day when you would rather be at the beach, but sadly you have to tag along with your mother while attending family functions. The straw hat will keep you cool on a sunny day, and you could also add a long beige or creame cardigan for when the sun goes down. The tank top and shorts are a soft and wearable fabric that will keep you at rest while your aunt bothers you with questions like "so do you have a boyfriend?" or rather your uncle asking you "what kind of field of work or job can you get with your college degree?". Even though I don't have the right answers for either of those questions. All I need to know right now is putting a post on my new blog to share with you a little taste of my outfit on a hot summer day. 

Outfit description 

Top: Zara 15$

Bottom: Urban Outfitters (Band of Gypsies) 13$

Bag: Souvenir from Spain 

Hat: Roxy straw hat 35$

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

First post..

So this is my first post I don’t know how to exactly start but I guess, saying hello to my nonexistent followers is a good way to start. Hii everyone and to stay tuned because there is definitely more to come.